
Since its inception in 2013, Samtrygg has helped thousands of satisfied tenants and landlords throughout Sweden. At the end of Q2, there were approximately 1000 vacant properties on However, the addressable market is significantly larger than that. 

Despite increased interest in Samtrygg's offer, the company channels a minority of all P2P rentals. It is still very common to rent from private contacts without establishing appropriate agreements. The majority of written rental agreements exclude safety services. Contracts with safety services can be written with Samtrygg, as well as with one of the company's industry colleagues. Overall, Samtrygg's growth potential is very large. 

In 2023, 82 330 people declared a surplus of capital from renting a private home during 2022. * This should be seen as a minimum of the number of rentals that took place, as one person can carry out more than one rental in a year, and taxation is only made for rental income above threshold values. Sifo conducted a survey in 2017 on behalf of SBAB. According to, seven per cent of property owners state that they rented out their property sometime in 2016. This corresponds to almost 200 000 rentals and excludes both rental of holiday homes and subletting of tenancies. The survey also shows that twice as many people would rent out if it were more profitable. ** Calculations based on a survey carried out by Novus on behalf of Samtrygg show that 200 000 unused housing opportunities could be made available in the metropolitan regions. ***


*Skatteverkets statistikportal, “Överskott vid uthyrning av privatbostad”, Årsdata, Uppdateringsdatum: 2024-04-30.

** SBAB, “Andrahandsuthyrning av bostäder”, 2017-05-26, [hämtad 2021-10-25].

*** Samtrygg, “200 000 bostäder uthyres - Andrahandsmarknadens outnyttjade potential”, 2017-10-23, [hämtad 2021-10-25].